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Theosophy unpredictable

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約伯記 36:23
Who has prescribed his ways for him, or said to him, 'You have done wrong'?
約伯記 5:9
He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted.
耶利米書 10:12 - 14
But God made the earth by his power; he founded the world by his wisdom and stretched out the heavens by his understanding. When he thunders, the waters in the heavens roar; he makes clouds rise from the ends of the earth. He sends lightning with the rain and brings out the wind from his storehouses. Everyone is senseless and without knowledge; every goldsmith is shamed by his idols. The images he makes are a fraud; they have no breath in them.
耶和華用能力創造大地,用智慧建立世界,用聰明鋪張穹蒼。 他一發聲,空中便有多水激動;他使雲霧從地極上騰;他造電隨雨而閃,從他府庫中帶出風來。 各人都成了畜類,毫無知識;各銀匠都因他雕刻的偶像羞愧。他所鑄的偶像本是虛假的,其中並無氣息,
約伯記 9:4 - 9
His wisdom is profound, his power is vast. Who has resisted him and come out unscathed? He moves mountains without their knowing it and overturns them in his anger. He shakes the earth from its place and makes its pillars tremble. He speaks to the sun and it does not shine; he seals off the light of the stars. He alone stretches out the heavens and treads on the waves of the sea. He is the Maker of the Bear and Orion, the Pleiades and the constellations of the south.
他心裡有智慧,且大有能力。誰向神剛硬而得亨通呢? 他發怒,把山翻倒挪移,山並不知覺。 他使地震動,離其本位,地的柱子就搖撼。 他吩咐日頭不出來,就不出來,又封閉眾星。 他獨自鋪張蒼天,步行在海浪之上。 他造北斗、參星、昴星,並南方的密宮;
以賽亞書 40:13 - 14
Who can fathom the Spirit of the Lord, or instruct the Lord as his counselor? Whom did the Lord consult to enlighten him, and who taught him the right way? Who was it that taught him knowledge, or showed him the path of understanding?
誰曾測度耶和華的心(或作:誰曾指示耶和華的靈),或作他的謀士指教他呢? 他與誰商議,誰教導他,誰將公平的路指示他,又將知識教訓他,將通達的道指教他呢?

THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSIONR, NIVR Copyright c 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by
Biblica, Inc.R Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

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