Topical Bible




提多書 2:12 It teaches us to say "No" to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age,
詩篇 119:9 How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word.
約翰一書 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
詩篇 18:24 The Lord has rewarded me according to my righteousness, according to the cleanness of my hands in his sight.
帖撒羅尼迦前書 4:3 - 5 It is God's will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you should learn to control your own body in a way that is holy and honorable, not in passionate lust like the pagans, who do not know God;
神的旨意就是要你們成為聖潔,遠避淫行; 要你們各人曉得怎樣用聖潔、尊貴守著自己的身體。 不放縱私慾的邪情,像那不認識神的外邦人。
馬太福音 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
哥林多前書 6:18 Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body.
哥林多後書 6:14 Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?
提摩太前書 4:12 Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.
詩篇 51:10 Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
馬太福音 5:30 And if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.
歌羅西書 3:5 Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry.
希伯來書 13:4 Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.
詩篇 24:3 - 4 Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord? Who may stand in his holy place? The one who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not trust in an idol or swear by a false god.
誰能登耶和華的山?誰能站在他的聖所? 就是手潔心清、不向虛妄、起誓不懷詭詐的人。
加拉太書 5:19 - 21 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.
情慾的事都是顯而易見的,就如姦淫、污穢、邪蕩、 拜偶像、邪術、仇恨、爭競、忌恨、惱怒、結黨、分爭、異端、 嫉妒(有古卷加:兇殺二字)、醉酒、荒宴等類。我從前告訴你們,現在又告訴你們,行這樣事的人必不能承受神的國。
以弗所書 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her
歌羅西書 3:9 Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices
希伯來書 13:18 Pray for us. We are sure that we have a clear conscience and desire to live honorably in every way.
馬太福音 7:21 - 23 "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'
「凡稱呼我『主啊,主啊』的人不能都進天國;惟獨遵行我天父旨意的人才能進去。 當那日必有許多人對我說:『主啊,主啊,我們不是奉你的名傳道,奉你的名趕鬼,奉你的名行許多異能嗎?』 我就明明的告訴他們說:『我從來不認識你們,你們這些作惡的人,離開我去吧!』」
約翰福音 8:34 Jesus replied, "Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin.
羅馬書 13:14 Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh.
以弗所書 5:5 For of this you can be sure: No immoral, impure or greedy person-such a person is an idolater-has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.
帖撒羅尼迦前書 4:3 - 8 It is God's will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you should learn to control your own body in a way that is holy and honorable, not in passionate lust like the pagans, who do not know God; and that in this matter no one should wrong or take advantage of a brother or sister. The Lord will punish all those who commit such sins, as we told you and warned you before. For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, anyone who rejects this instruction does not reject a human being but God, the very God who gives you his Holy Spirit.
神的旨意就是要你們成為聖潔,遠避淫行; 要你們各人曉得怎樣用聖潔、尊貴守著自己的身體。 不放縱私慾的邪情,像那不認識神的外邦人。 不要一個人在這事上越分,欺負他的弟兄;因為這一類的事,主必報應,正如我預先對你們說過,又切切囑咐你們的。 神召我們,本不是要我們沾染污穢,乃是要我們成為聖潔。 所以那棄絕的,不是棄絕人,乃是棄絕那賜聖靈給你們的神。